Friday, April 3, 2009

Just Foolin'

No, unfortunately there will be no Antarctic adventure for me. I just couldn't resist having a bit of April Fool's fun with my last entry.

Being so far south, New Zealand is in fact the jumping off point for almost all personnel and equipment bound for McMurdo and other Antarctic stations; and I did actually look into what it takes to get there in a support personnel capacity. For Americans, all personnel are hired through Raytheon Corp., the contractor for the McMurdo Station support functions, and all hiring is done back in the states at various Raytheon job fairs. It turns out there's no shortage whatsoever of willing applicants, with even PhD's willing to scrub toilets for their ticket to the south pole. And as for the Kiwis, they only hire New Zealand citizens or residents, of which I am neither. So, for the time being, my Antarctic dreams are quite assuredly on hold.

Additionally, there is no such person as Ty Webb, except of course in the movie Caddyshack, as played by the then incomparable Chevy Chase. Good on ya, Jason, for picking up on that! And I knew I certainly wouldn't fool my friend Brandon with that moniker...again. ;-)

I hope everyone had a fun-filled April Fool's Day (I know I did) and didn't get suckered into believing too many tall tales.


1 comment:

  1. your Ty Webb name gave it away for me. Maybe Carl Spackler?
