Sunday, May 31, 2009


Scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to Mia Sara.

A few random thoughts:

-The Letters to the Editor section of a small town newspaper is one of the most (unintentionally) hilarious and entertaining reads you can find.

-Heard "Look Away" by Chicago on the radio yesterday, and it really took me back. That sappy bit of 80's cheeseball fluff was the official "break-up" song of the fifth grade, and the soundtrack to my first broken heart. Look away, Julie Eldridge, look away. ;-)

-Cadbury makes some good ice cream. Caramello is my fave!

-My car wouldn't start two days ago, and I have yet to do a thing about it. Walking to the grocery store is good exercise.

-As of last Thursday, I can add 'driving a tractor' to the Other Skills section of my resume.

-Just discovered that I can watch every episode of this season's LOST on TVNZ's website. Sweet!

-Not counting this one or the one entitled "Is it Weird?," I've inserted a line (or variation thereof) from the Shawshank Redemption into my last five blog entries. Can you find them?



  1. Well, I consider myself a master of Shawshankisms, and I can't find one here or in 'More fun than a barrel of something'. But I do hope that one of these weeks you'll find yourself sitting in a row, drinking Bohemia style beer courtesy of someone other than the hardest screw ever to walk a turn a Shawshank.

  2. Speaking of 80's greatness, during my travels through NZ I came to one undeniable fact: Kiwi's love Bryan Adam's "Summer of '69". Anytime that songs came on in a pub or restaurant the place erupted and everyone sang along word for word. Come to think of it, I frequented both small town pubs and tourista hot spots with a lot of, maybe the whole World loves "Summer of '69"? Completely possible.

    "I've decided not to stay"
    "fuzzy britches"
    "as good a thing to bet on as any, I suppose"
    "appealed to his meticulous nature"

    Missing the fifth one...

  3. Nice job, Brad.

    The one you're missing from "More fun than a barrel of something" is:

    My line: "I've found muscles I never knew I had."

    Actual line from the movie: "The boy found brains he never knew he had." Red talking about Tommy.
