Saturday, February 21, 2009


Scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to Kurt Rambis. More random thoughts, observations, and learnings:

-Cargo shorts are fan-frickin-tastic! So handy!
-Fully one third of the population of New Zealand lives in Auckland. 'The city with the second most Kiwis in it?,' you ask: Sydney, Australia.
-I got stopped on the street the other day and asked directions by an obvious tourist who was obviously lost. I not only knew exactly where she was trying to go and how to get there, I escorted her the seven or so blocks myself.
-My new favorite soda is one of the local varieties. It's called Lemon & Paeroa, or L&P for short. The closest thing I can compare it to from the States is Squirt. I not only like its taste, but I appreciate their company's sense of humor. Their tag line reads: "World famous in New Zealand."
-Frosty Floats from Wendy's are fan-frickin-tastic! So tasty!
-Do you remember those old 7-Up commercials from the 80's? The 'Feels so Good Coming Down' ones, where it was always raining even though the sun was shining? It's rained like that four or five times since I've been here. It's quite refreshing.
-I wish ipod ear buds were just a little smaller. They hurt my ears.
-I've read my first (and last) James Patterson novel--atrocious.
-Atrocious is my new favorite word.
-I saw the following on a sign above the door at an Irish pub: "May you be a half hour in heaven before the devil knows you're dead."
-You know how sometimes a step or a curb isn't quite as high as you first thought and when you step off your foot hits the ground much sooner than you expect it to? That's the worst!
-In a country where people drive on the left-hand side of the road, it's critically important as a pedestrian to remember to look to your RIGHT first when crossing the street. I cannot stress this enough.


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